Celebrating Audionet’s legendary integrated amp’s 20 years anniversary we present the best SAM ever: the strictly limited SPECIAL EDITION SAM 20 SE (20th Anniversary).
Press comments on SAM 20 SE
Stereo Video Magazine (Poland) 7/2018
“Setting the Amplifier SAM 20 SE is a matter of minutes. Streamed music in Hi-Res (96 and 192 kHz) has no error. Extreme bandwidth ensures unpainted transmission. The 200 watts power is a prerequisite for a sufficient dynamic range for loud listening and medium-sensitive loudspeaker systems. The amplifier has a high damping factor and speakers for unusual performance. The basses are incredibly deep, while maintaining firm contours. The top of the band is finely detailed and clean. The Phono Entrance is great and is not just a cheap addition to the sixth entrance.”
Audiotechnique 4/2018 (Hong Kong)
“SAM 20 SE sounds extremely natural, I feel that I can get in touch with the singer through her voice.
SAM 20 SE inherits Audionets knowledge of high end engineering and 20 years of continued research in natural sound reproduction. Without additional colouration, it reproduces every micro detail from the source material.”
STEREO 02/2018
“The 20 SE enhances the strengths of the “standard” SAM model to perfection, demonstrating the potential of the SAM G2 circuitry – but only for a limited time: when all 200 of these special amps are sold, they’re gone, so this is one well worth seeking out, and soon.”
Press comments on the predecessors
“SAM alone is the best integrated I’ve heard so far.”
“The SAM G2 ist the full monty – a total audiophile heavyweight beyond all price categories.”
Olaf Sturm, hifi&records/i-fidelity.net
“New SAM G2 defines his class for sure…dynamics, spatial abilities and a level of musicality far above his price point…Audionet SAM G2 hereby gets the most important badge of honour: Reference for integrated amplifiers!”
Video, Domácí, Kino Czech Republic
“The integrated amplifier Audionet SAM G2 is a consequently build analogue hifi-amplifier, with contemporary design and a perfect sound reproduction.
Sound: 100%
Configuration: 95%
Handling: 95%“
AV-Magazin.de Germany
“Exceptional strength and generosity in all areas are paired with exceptional definition and subtlety. When playing challenging music, the SAM G2 makes an almost Olympian impression. […] Audionet’s SAM G2 is true audiophile bargain. […] one day it will become a classic”
What HiFi England
“This is an impressing product, one of the best constructed amplifiers we have ever seen. […] Only few rivals can reproduce deep frequencies with such control and resolution. […] it is the articulation and the rapidness, that points out the SAM in this section. […] Audionet’s SAM is a deeply impressing main amplifier.”
Audioart Taiwan
“Best recommended.”
Av Extreme Greece
“A state-of-the-art amplifier. […] It is really unique.”
Audiophile Germany
HiFi Choice England
“The projected image is velvet-gloved power.”
Image HiFi Germany
“The truth must be told: SAM is the best main amplifier I have ever heard. I admire most the rare combination of unlimited information flow and the missing of any kind of wiryness. Using SAM, music is more than the sum of all music parts.”
HiFi Video Test Netherlands
“[…] a buy for a whole life!”
HiFi Test Germany
“What is High End? When the neckhair stands on end when listening to music and when even after hours of listening no considerable criticism can be found? Or when you find yourself sitting appreciative on a chair and playing nearly the whole stock of test CDs? […] However, this all happened to me. Music pleasure at its best.
Result: 1+ Reference class”