Machine data + manuals.
Product Information Sheets & User Manuals
The product information sheets and user manuals for each Audionet device are placed at the bottom of their product pages:
Power Amplifiers
Power Supplies
The user manuals of previous Audionet devices are located in our Archive.
The software downloads can be found in our Apps section:
DNx Firmware
New: Online services update for DNx! Read more on how to upgrade and setup here…
New firmware updates for all Audionet DNx machines are provided by the Audionet Remote Control Point RCP Software (PC & Mac).
The latest version of the RCP must be installed on your computer in order to recieve the newest firmware update. When launching the RCP, it does search the newest firmware and starts the update process automatically (factory default setting). In case that you have deactivated the auto-update function of the RCP: please use the item ‘Check for Updates’ in the menu ‘Help’ to start the update process. We strongly recommend using a wired connection from the DNx to the network for the firmware update process.
Further information on the Audionet RCP and download…
Compatibility chart for external power supplies
Displays the compatibility of the external power supplies AMPERE, EPX and EPS G2 with current or older Audionet models as well as the needed connection cable and the main power connection of the mother unit.
Compatibility chart…
Dealer Download Section
The official Audionet photos, ads and in-store posters for international use. As ready-to-print pdfs and as Indesign Documents to be personalized with your data. Visit the Dealer Download Section…